Economics Science
Mempelajari tingkah laku manusia untuk mendapatkan dan mengelola sumber daya yang terbatas
Technical Sciences
Mempelajari implementasi teknologi baru dalam sektor teknik seperti manufaktur, pemeliharaan dan manajemen
Human Sciences
Pembahasan mengenai makna menjadi manusia serta menjadikan manusia sebagai objek studinya
Greeting from Head of Program
As an ICT-based study program, we have implemented a range of initiatives to prepare our students for the future. It is evidenced by a good governance system, excellent and wide variety of student services, competent human resources (lecturers and education staff), good facilities and infrastructure, appropriate curriculum and learning processes, as well as various research and community service activities. Students in the Department of Industrial Engineering are not only equipped with knowledges and skills through a formal course in classroom, but also informal course activities outside classroom such as guest lectures, industrial visits, book review, workshops, and seminars.
Visi Keilmuan
Menjadi program studi sarjana Teknik Industri berstandar internasional yang berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi untuk mendukung peningkatan daya saing bangsa Indonesia di bidang industri kemaritiman.
Beberapa program mata kuliah unggulan pada Teknik Industri diantaranya :